Wednesday, 20 May 2015

PMS and all its glory

PMS. Just the word makes men cringe. For woman it is all something we can relate to. Each and everyone of us at some point has suffered from this god awful "syndrome", now let me reiterate that it is a syndrome. This means medical signs and symptoms. Contrary to some beliefs we are not choosing to behave in the way we do. Would any sane person choose to have their hormones completely out of wack? I dont think so. 

When I say contrary to some beliefs I will use my husband for example. He would often ask me "Are you on your period?". Now every woman out there knows that this is the most infuriating question ever to be asked. Let me tell you why. When this question is asked, you may as well just say this "Your feelings are quite irrational right now and since I think you are on your period lets disregard what you are saying". His next mistake question was "Since you know you are pms'ing dont you realize how you are being?". Lets be honest here ladies, this is the worst thing we can hear is it not? 

Lets take some facts here. PMS, it is not a choice, this is what we call hormones! Chemical changes in the brain may also be involved. As us woman all know very well these are the most common

  • Headache
  • Backache
  • Food cravings
  • Tension
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Crying spells 
  • Anxiety or depression

I am sure I am safe in saying that every woman is just as unhappy about having PMS. Nobody wants to be miserable. This brings me back to thinking about when I was pregnant. The symptoms are not all that different. They are hormones after all. When you crave the odd item and HAVE to have it, it can be irrational at times. 

I once heard a story about a woman who was pregnant and she asked her husband to get pizza for dinner, she went to have a shower and whilst in the shower was happy at the thought that when she got out she would soon have pizza. When she got out she found her husband did not order the pizza. She fell on the floor sobbing. This my friends.... This is classic hormones. 

Now I will give you one of mine. 

My husband and I are getting ready to put our children to bed. They are 2 & 4. I say "I think I am going to go to the store to get some chocolate". I have been in a irritable mood all day but this one last saving grace I think I am gonna go for it. I thought, he can put the girls to bed and I can go pick us me up a snack. He quickly says, ok, after you help put the girls to bed right?.... .... ... Wrong! It was done, I was having an emotional meltdown. I was irritable, irrational, my mood went from ahhh this will be nice to how dare you! Was I being irrational? Absolutely, but in the moment I was angry. He was supposed to understand that I wanted it now.

I read somewhere that a woman said "If having a period burned calories maybe it would be worth it" Amen sister, amen!

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  1. Hahaha yep Men will just never get it....but we can be devilish creatures when poor them...a bit lol

  2. HAHAHA. That is true, they will never understand. Thanks so much for reading.

    Thanks so much for stopping by. I would love if you stuck around to read some more and followed me :)

  3. Oh my! That pregnant pizza in the shower story happened to me! It wasn't a pizza but I remember begging for supper to be ready. Of course, have your shower and it'll be ready when you get out. So, I didn't snack and I visualised supper. I got out and cried as apparently I showered too quickly and he was watching tv and hadn't even started cooking :(
    Hi from the #momster linky

    1. lol, I love these stories as it encapsulates us perfectly, and all the hormones.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  4. Haha! Men will never understand PMS...NEVER! Thanks for linking up with me on #momsterslink

  5. Hihihi this was fun reading :) I also suffer from severe PMS and am a huge Godzilla! However i am not offended if my partner asks me whether I'm on my period. Not at all.. First of all, he does know that, because he knows my cycle, second, i am moody and irrational, so I know he's probably right.
    Since I was inspired by my PMS (at least something good came out of it for once), i wrote a post for GUYS how to keep us happy wishing my boyfriend reads it too. He did and he's awesome! Give your man to read this maybe?

    1. haha I will for sure check out your post. I am usually offended because it is exactly the time I am being irrational and how dare he point it out ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  6. HA! So funny. I love your graphics, they made me laugh. #momsterlink

    1. LOL. Thanks! For this post it was essential to have ones that reflected it perfectly.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  7. This is so true! After the dreaded pms is over, we know we were moody and irrational. At the time, we honestly thought it was everyone else around us (and I mean literally everyone else) being moody and irrational! #bigfatlinky

    1. lol, sooooo true. My poor husband ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting :)

  8. I think we are a mystery to men! great post. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

    1. Thank you for having me :) Thanks so much for reading my post :)

  9. I agree - the last thing I want my husband to ask me when I'm on my period is: ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD? LOL Thanks so much for taking the time to link up with us over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend, and that we see you again this Friday! Feel free to bring a friend :)

    1. Thanks so much. It is so the last thing I want too :)

      Thanks again for reading and commenting :)

  10. The crying...I never thought I suffered from PMS but this year I've cried a river. Ucch. Kleenex please. Thanks.

    1. LOL. Its amazing what hormones will do. I wish we could trade with a man just for ONE day. Than see what he says after that ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  11. My husband never asks me this. He wouldn't dare. He does however look very smug when I admit that my mood 'may' be due to pms
    And his snug look always makes me want to punch him in the face. I don't of course! I just fantasise about it ;-)

    1. hahahaha. My husband was so naïve. He thought it was ok to ask. Silly him ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting


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