Wednesday 6 May 2015

10 things I didnt know about birth and babies

There are many things I was unaware of when I became a mom. I will give a list of mine and my experiences. Nobody told me these things and even if you are the most prepared I am sure some will still come as a surprise. I was never one for Lamaze classes or prenatal courses. I just went with the flow. Sure I read pregnancy books, didn't we all? Still, there are things we come to learn with experience. 

1.  To tell if you are dilated they will feel. If you are sore and swollen they will go in anyways. It is not a small insertion. It feels as though they are going to grab your intestines. When they go in, they go in. Prepare yourself for the invasion.  

With both my children I was induced due to high blood pressure two weeks early. 

2.   Eat before they induce you. EAT LOTS. They will not feed you and no matter how long it takes, be it 4 or 12 hours, no matter how much you beg, they don't give in. Trust me

It was a long process for me. It was not instant and I waited and waited for the drip to take effect. When it does, oh boy, watch out. 

3. Induction ie. Artificially set in labor is considered to be more painful than natural labor. It can cause intense pain and prolong the labor process. 

It came on fast and I can attest to saying it was damn painful. My first daughte I wanted to see if I could go without an epidural. I tried, I really tried. I did not know |"fact number 3". By the time I decided that I in fact needed or shall I say wanted, I was begging for the epidural. I had to wait an additional 45 minutes as the anesthesiologist was in with a delivery of twins. I was in complete tears and almost tearing off my husbands shirt off in pain. My second daughter we asked straight away.

4.  If your child comes out too fast it can cause something lovely called a Hematoma. 
(a localized swelling that is filled with blood) 

After giving birth I said, I feel pressure. It hurts. They gave me an Advil. I kept insisting, I feel pressure, it hurts very very bad. When they finally realized what it was I was in a lot of pain. They gassed me while they squeezed the blood out. Needless to say I was screaming. Even thinking about it now gives me the chills.

5. You give birth and you think your're done. WRONG. You also give birth to your placenta. Nice hey? 

Just what I wanted to do after Hematoma incident, we will call it. 

6.  After you give birth they give you a squirt bottle to spray on yourself as you pee as you are most likely stitched up from being torn, and possibly stitched as well from a goddamn hematoma like me. 

7.  Your first bowel movement will be one of the most horrific experiences you will imagine. It feels as though you may rip open at the seems or at least rip open your stitches. You don't, the nurse assured me of this. 

The first shower after birth was one of the best showers I have ever taken in my entire life. I often wonder if i am not alone in this. Pure bliss!

8.  You do not produce breast milk immediately, only colostrum and your baby most likely will not get full on this and will cluster feed until your milk comes in. In simple, get ready to stay up round the clock feeding a baby who does not get full. Sleep 0 baby 1.

9. More people than you can imagine have now seen your vagina. By now this will not phase you and you do not care who has come and gone and taken a look anymore. The bashfulness of it all is gone by now. 

Once you are home and all healed and you have your brand new baby and everything seems fine, you see number 10. I assure you it does not happen to all women, just us lucky few......

10.  Now that you think you have gone through it all, you sneeze, or you laugh too hard and...... You pee. Get ready to do your kegel exercises. 

I remember my poor husband watching me meltdown after I laughed and peed. I than sneezed and peed some more. So either start those Kegels or stock up on poise pads. 


If you are ready for all this, enjoy that sweet little baby. 

If not, wrap it up!

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  1. **giggles** love this! I had 3 c-sections so I never got to experience natural childbirth. But I have heard plenty of my friends and blogger talk about it. Thanks so much for sharing with #momsterslink :)

    1. Thanks for reading :) I am glad you enjoyed my post :)

  2. I was induced with both mine as well - fun times! I managed to get through without the epidural...just :) It's funny that this is stuff that happens to everyone but no one ever mentions it until afterwards! Thanks for sharing, I found you on #momsterlink

    1. Wow! Good on you for going without the epidural. I tried, I really tried! Lol thanks for reading!!

  3. just another reason to be glad I'm a man!

  4. My heart goes out to you with the pain from being induced. I heard it's wicked!! I am with you though on that first shower! Magical!!

  5. Wasn't the first shower the BEST!!!! I am so glad you can relate. Thanks so much for reading ☺️

  6. Yikes! I'm glad I won't have to experience any of that. I appreciate your honesty and candor.

    1. Haha. Thanks so much for reading. I hope you stick around for more posts :)

  7. Haha definitely #9! No shame :)

    1. Lol, I am so glad someone can relate! Thanks so much for reading

  8. My sister was induced for the birth of my niece, and yah, wow, that was something else to watch. She too, decided on the epidural after the fact. For whatever reason, they told her she couldn't have one at that point. And yeah, now I've seen my sister's vagina. I don't think either one of us really noticed that fact in the emotion of the day.
    Thanks for all the interesting details. I don't have kids, so some of these were real eye openers!

    1. Thanks so much for reading my post. It's amazing what you don't know when having a baby lol. My sister was there for me too. She has seen all :)

  9. Hah hah, very funny. Especially number 9! I was so not bothered about anything after what felt like the whole hospital has seen my va-jay :D No more shame about anything. :D #thelist

    1. Haha right? By the end I felt like "ya ya take a look, bring a friend" lol

  10. All very true however we quite often are happy to go back for more! :) x #TheList

    1. Isn't that the truth. It's like you forget the pain. Until the contractions start up again ;) thanks for reading :)

  11. Love this! I was induced to blood pressure as well so I feel your pain :) #thelist

    1. I am glad you can relate :) thanks so much for reading. Induction sucks hey? :)

  12. We all go through this, yet most of us do it again! Us women are super-human. x #thelist

    1. We sure are! Built tough us women, to be able to take all that pain. Thanks so much for reading :)

  13. I remember it all so clearly!! Michelle from

    1. And here I am bringing it up again hey? Haha. I am glad you could relate to my post :) thanks so much for reading

  14. Thanks for sharing with #momstermondays. Love your support!

  15. I wish more people were as honest as you when it comes to giving birth. I was terrified after having my first child and finding these things out as they were happening. A little forewarning would have been nice! :)

  16. Haha right? I was so unaware. I guess sometimes we learn the hard way :) thanks so much for reading, hope you stick around for more :)

  17. Yeah I was a bit shocked by the whole placenta part! good to give people a warning of the realities!

    1. Hahaha brave man reading my post to the end 😊 thanks for reading

  18. Oh how I chuckled, it's probably for the best we're not given any pre-warnings of these things, it's all very shocking isn't it! #Wineandboobs

    1. Hahaha yes it is. Thanks so much for reading. Would love if you followed me on Twitter @susanpajaro

  19. Good to see this linked up to #wineandboobs too :)

  20. Beautiful baby first off - what a cutie! and so many tips that are useful and I laughed through the post as I remember only too well the pain and the lack of embarrassment I had (but I thought I would be so reserved!) when I did give birth! :) #wineandboobs

    1. Thank you so much :) I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so the compliment. She was a beautiful baby, now a bad 2 yr old ;). I would love if you followed me on Twitter @susanpajaro

  21. Your list should be given to everyone going into the labour ward to warn them! Great list I did chuckle as it brought back some very painful memories :) Your baby is beautiful :) #wineandboobs

  22. Thank you so much!! And thank you for reading. I am glad you found the humor in it :) I would love if you followed me on Twitter @susanpajaro

  23. Haha brilliant! Really wish someone would have told be this before I gave birth! #wineandboobs

    1. hahaha ME TOO!! Thanks so much for reading!! I hope you stick around for more :)

  24. Funny post and from what my wife say's it seems she would agree with you on almost all these points. I kept missing the delivery of the placenta and it wasn't until the 4th child I got to see it. I was usually too busy paying attention to the new baby :) Thanks for linking up to #BigTopBlogParty

    1. Thanks for having me :) I am glad your wife can relate lol

  25. Haha!! I was nodding all the way through that! Great post and thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

    1. Thanks for having me :) I am so glad so many people can relate lol. Thanks for reading :)

  26. 100%!!! Many of things, I wish I had known ahead of time and the shower really is the best! Found you through the #boobsandwine link-up

    1. haha I am so glad you relate. The shower IS the best :) :)

      I would be honoured for you to follow my blog. To follow, please see the top of my blog post. Thanks again for reading :)

  27. What a fab little list! You can read all the info in the world but you can't be 100% prepared. Hopefully this will help a mother to be - it ave me a laugh and a giggle thinking about my own experience. Angela x


    Angela recently posted "10 reasons to visit Blackpool Tower Eye"

    1. I am so glad it gave you a laugh :) Its great that people can relate :)

  28. Yes! You will never truly know till you are there having a baby what heppens and they honestly can prepare you enough :) Thank you for linking on #wineandboobs

    1. haha so true! Thank you so much for reading :) Thanks for having me on your linky

      I would be honoured for you to follow my blog. To follow, please see the top of my blog post. Thanks again for reading :)

  29. Love this post even though nothing you mention sounds pleasant lol! Its a good job the baby makes it worth it :) #themommylife

    1. hahaha yes, you the baby makes it all better :) Thank you so much for reading my post :)

  30. Yes, yes and yes to all of this! If they told us all of this before would the human race die out I wonder? Well done for hosting #themommylife !

    1. hahahahaha yes we possibly might. Thank you so much, and thank you for reading my post :) I hope you stick around to read more. I would love if you read my last post

  31. i'm expecting my first. this was great x

    1. Congratulations :) Having a baby is so wonderful. After all this ;)

      Thanks so much for reading my post :)

      I would love if you read my last post

  32. Laughing hard here. Simply beautiful and direct post. I really would love to know at least half of it.
    You made me remember how much we suffer, the birth of my daughter was pretty fast (2h total) , I was thinking that now would be a good time to start thinking of having another (my daughter is 15Y). Scared ;)

    1. hahaha I was terrified to have my second. But after it all we bounce back pretty quick. We are women :)

      Thank you so much for reading. If you would like to read it, here is my last post

  33. Giving birth is so glamorous isn't it! Hehehe

    1. hahaha yes it sure is. But the beautiful baby is worth it. Until they hit 2. No just kidding :)

      Thanks so much for reading my post. I would love if you would like to read my last one

      Thanks again :)

  34. My second was induced and it was more painful but then it lasted 2 hours so I think I didn't adjust. #HappyDaysLinky

    1. Thank goodness it didnt last longer.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting :)

      If you would like to read my last post here it is

      Thanks again :)

  35. Great post! And fantastic list of 10. I think people should read this before....I had no idea. Although don't feel I can comment too much....but I am glad I'm a chap. Lol thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky

    1. hahahaha You made me laugh. I think its worth the read for a man to know how a woman feels. Thanks for reading :)

  36. I honestly don't remember it being so bad and I was induced with number 1. Compared to the section of number 2, natural birth was a walk in the park, although this could be my mind playing tricks ;)

    1. My cousin had a c section, she said the recovery was awful. Birth is never an easy feat for us women :)

      Thanks for stopping by to read. If you would like to read my last post here it is

      Thanks again :)

  37. I was induced with my twins and believe me, when you have twins, even more people get a look at your lower area! I should have sold tickets!
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsbeKids

    1. hahahaha I felt the same way. It was like, sure sure, take a look, who cares anymore LOL.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment :)


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