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Thursday, 23 July 2015
Weight loss woes Week 2
Now I should own up right away and admit that I was too tired to do a week 1. But I am into week 2, we had our second weigh in.
I have to admit that it wasn't too hard of a week. I made it routine. I would have my spinach shake for breakfast. Now it doesn't sound good, but damn, it is!
I take,
1 cup of skim milk
A handful of spinach
1 frozen strawberry
1 frozen cut up banana
5 frozen blueberries
Dollop of Natural Peanut butter
Blend. DELICIOUS!!! Its 4 weight watchers points plus. That's like nothing lol
So that is what I was eating for breakfast. For lunch I would take 1.5 cups of cottage cheese and a tub of veggies. I love love love cottage cheese so I ate that up like a piggy. The veggies are good too. As long as they are fresh. I have been alternating between tuna with no fat mayo on a rice cake. Its actually darn good. But I love the cottage cheese more.
So the first weigh in went fantastic! I lost 6 lbs!!!! I was super happy. Only 589 to go. Ok, not really, but that's what it feels like right? Even with one day of a splurge night I lost 6lbs. Happy as can be. Dinner time is a little tricky. It is the time of night when you come home and you feel like you can eat a dinosaur. I have had to keep my will power super strong for these moments. If not, anything that is remotely edible and tastes ok I will gorge. This includes soda crackers.
I knew I was having a weak moment the first week when we were all eating dinner. I had finished mine. I was sitting at the table with my daughters watching them like a hawk eating their corn on the cob. Maybe one of them wont finish it... Maybe they will not want it anymore... Yes, I was like a vulture ready to jump.
I thought the second week would go just as easy peesy. No such luck. We weigh in on Wednesdays, we were going camping on the Friday. I was ready, I had snacks for us, fruit, healthy food for us to eat. I even bought turkey smokies and we were set. Unfortunately our camping trip didn't go as planned. When we got to the campground to set up the tent it was a mad dash to set it up before it rained. No dice, we didn't make it. It POURED! Thunder and lightning.... just perfect. So while we all were huddled in the car waiting for the storm to pass and the girls say... "Were hungry"!
So what to do what to do? We absolutely cannot make lunch, it is torrential rains out there. Down the road is a golf club café. We drove down there and made it in all a little wet. I look up and I see nothing but fried food and burgers. Just our luck hey. I am starving too. I look at my husband... Great! What now? So, in lei of it being our "Holiday" we decided, ok, lets just eat. There is really honestly nothing we can do about it right now. So, we enjoyed our burgers
Camping did not go well for us. We found out that one air mattress didn't have plugs and only 3 out of 4 could sleep on the inflated air mattress. In the morning the second air mattress was losing air. Long story short, we packed up this shit show and left IMMEDIATELY first thing in the am. We got our refund and we headed out. The girls were not happy, they were hoping for a nice day at the beach. After sleeping on the ground, I was in awful shape and there was no way I was able to sit at the beach all day and play in the water. We headed home and decided to go out for breakfast.
This week was turning out to not be the healthiest week for us. We did not eat great. I mean, we did, it was awesome, but.... We did not eat properly. It was weigh in day yesterday. My husband said "Lets just skip it, we know we gained weight, we ate so bad, so screw it, lets skip it". I will not lie, I thought about it. But that is how we fell of track last time. We thought we could just be bad and skip the weigh in. Nope, not this time. Time to face the music my dear, we are going. It turned out not so bad. Out of the 6lbs I lost I gained back 1.2 of them. I would have rather lost weight of course, but I know I ate bad this week. And gaining only 1.2 back, still a win in my books.
I am on course again. Bad trip behind us, bad eating behind us. I have been on track all week. Lets hope that when Wednesday comes around again there is a little more loss and no more gain. I will keep myself in check! With that woman at the scale and with all who read this. Back to the healthy food. Wish me luck for week 3 :)
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