Monday 8 June 2015

Big or Aidan, that is the question

The first year my husband and I were together he bought me the box set of Sex and the City. Its a  beauty in the pink velvet case. I loved it. I still love it. I have watched it countless times over and over, in sequence and in random order. 

I overthink every show I watch. I can not help it. It must come naturally to me to overthink things as I watch them. Now before you read further yes I am aware I am speaking of a fictional show. These are my thoughts on it.

Watching it the other day something struck me. Why Big? What is so special about him? I mean really. Sure he has the money, but when you think about it, it took him 10 years to come around. 10 YEARS!!! How many of us women would have held on that long? I cant say many of us.

Team Big vs Team Aidan

From the moment Carrie met Big you could see he wasn't the right one. If he was interested in her he would have made a move. But instead he keeps bumping into her with other women on his arm. Even the night they went on their first date he brought a friend along. Red flags anyone. I think so.

Big brought out the worst in Carrie. She was always down when she was with him, anxious and sad. Begging for love from someone who was not ready to commit. Leaving to Paris without even discussing it with her? I mean, who does that? Obviously not the one you want to be with the rest of your life. She put herself last when she was with him. You know when you end up doing that in a relationship that you are putting too much in and the other is just taking. It never works. Do we all remember that he was married twice? That he cheated on his second wife WITH Carrie... I dont know about you, but I wouldnt want to start off a relationship with someone who cheated. Would they do it again? Seems to be the pattern. 

Aidan, the classic sweetheart. He was a hopeless romantic from the start. Wanting to get to know Carrie, wanting to develop a relationship. He was genuinely sweet. There were no other girls to compete with there were no commitment issues. He was handy, cute and romantic. He WANTED to marry her, build a life with her. What more could a girl want?

I couldnt help but wonder ;)

Are women really attracted to the "bad boy"?

What is it about them that draws us in? Is it their wild nature that us as a woman believe we can tame? The excitement of the chase? I read somewhere that if you had everything you wanted you still would not be happy, for happiness is the result of working towards something and achieving it. You need that drive in your life to keep you going. Is this where she steered off course? Because lets face it, Aidan was the one. He was the perfect man. I was definately Team Aidan. He was sooo much cuter. Am I right or am I right?

If Carrie and Big were a real life couple, this would not end in a happily ever after. I dont believe for one second that he is the one for her. After 10 years of being put on the back burner in a relationship he changes? 

The happily ever after was meant to be with Aidan.

The kiss in Abu Dhabi was the clincher. 
He is the one! 

What are your thoughts? 

Are there Team Big's out there? 
Have I missed something with Big that others havent?




  1. TEAM BIG FOREVERRR!!! Aidan always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

    1. lol, That makes me laugh. I will admit, I was happy in the end when Big finally came around. But seriously, why so long man, geez

  2. team Big always! Will never be anyone else for Carrie!

    1. lol, thanks for reading and commenting :) Even if you choose Big ;)

  3. I am team Big. I can't help it...I love the intriguing bad boy! The unpredictable. :)

    1. lol, thanks for reading and commenting :) Even if you choose Big ;)

  4. Aidan is a great guy but Big was charming and handsome and certainly kept her on her toes! But you're right, IRL I don't think anyone would wait 10 years! Sparks or no sparks!

    1. lol, thanks for reading and commenting :) Even if you choose Big ;)

  5. I agree with you completely. I was with a "Big" for three years. I look back on that and wonder what the hell was I thinking? Now, I have my very own "Aidan". Except he owns a gun shop instead of building furniture but, eh, same idea. Classic American. Charming. Cute as hell. Wants to marry me and have a future. I'll take the good boy over the bad boy any day.

    1. I was with Big for awhile too, than.... no more Big, youre out! LOL

  6. You can't help but love BIG. But you are right, Aiden is the right choice. Big was for fun jaunts, a bit of luxury, a 'free' life and keeping you on your toes. Aiden was for keeps. For the family, furniture and to help you through the non freedom of kids. Those are my thoughts, anyway! Lucy@bottlefor2 #wineandboobs

    1. I completely agree :)

      Thanks so much for reading :)

  7. I completely agree with you, I was never a fan of Big. From the beginning, Carrie and Aideb just felt... right. Big was always very smarmy and broke her heart too many times. Aiden all the way!!

    1. YAY!!! I am so glad you agree lol

      Thanks so much for reading my post and commenting

  8. I am so with you on this. I remember having a discussion with my friend about this. She was a Big fan. She thought that Aiden was a bit wet and too nice. I on the other hand never understood the 'Big' attraction AT ALL. Didn't think he was handsome or charming. I must be missing something but I thought he was rather unattractive actually, up his own arse and a bit of a prick to put it bluntly. Aiden on the other hand - sexy as hell, caring, kind and just 'got' her. I totally would have chosen Aiden over Big every time and thought she was a fool for letting him go.

    1. He so isnt handsome. They could have picked a better Big thats for sure.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  9. Ok - I have to admit that I have never watched this, ever! Thank you for linking up to #MyFavouritePost Kaz x

  10. I think there are some women who will always be Team Big, perhaps the win is changing them. I have learnt though you cannot change people. Thanks for linking up with #MyFavouritePost

  11. Hahah I love this and what food for thought. I was always a Team Aiden for sure and I always thought Abu dhabi they would reunite forever. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    1. ME TOO!!! At least I sure hoped they would ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting


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