Saturday 6 June 2015

The Mommy Rant

I guess lets get this out of the way first. I love my children. To the core. They are my life, my everything, I would give my life for them. 

In saying that. They drive me fuckin crazy!!! They are 2 and 4, yes such a blissful age. The fights between the two girls have started. Why they have to fight over the stupidest of things I will never know. The mind of a child is a wondrous thing. She took my pony, she pulled my hair, she took my spot she stole my cookie. On and on and on. 

Now I know that having children, this is life. I cannot wait until these little ones are old enough to be a little more self sufficient. Oh I dream of the day. My day pretty much sounds like this

  • Can I have milk?
  • I want toast
  • I dont want my cereal
  • Can I have your cereal
  • I want more toast (I have finally sat down to eat)
  • Ellie took my toast 
  • I want to watch Ponies
  • Some fighting and crying
  • I want a drink
  • I need you to wipe my bum
  • Baby brings me her diaper and wipes (At this point I tell her, if you are bringing me this, its time to use the potty!)
  • Inaudible crying
  • Im hungry
  • I want to color - Uncaps all the felts.......Im done
  • I want to play playdoh - All over the table and floor in little bits.... Im done
  • Read me a book
  • Where is grandma?
  • I dont wanna eat dinner
  • Ellie stole my toy
  • Crying
  • I dont want to go to bed
  • Crying

This my friends is what they should have printed on condom packages. Its a wonder I don't drink. But I do drink coffee. And tons of it!

Being a stay at home mom was never in the cards for me. Its a hard job. Working full time, I can say in all out honesty that being a stay at home mom is harder than going to work everyday. I choose to go to work. I think very highly of the ones who are stay at home moms. When I stay at home on the weekend with these little monsters I am WIPED OUT!!! Going to work is getting a break

I long for the days when wiping of bums is behind me. The days where if you are thirsty you can pour your own drink without pouring it all over the floor. If you are hungry than you can make your own snack. However, I am sure with each age comes new difficulties. 

I love being a mom. But some days I have to rant. Don't we all? It isn't all sunshine and rainbows. We have our days. We have wonderful days. These girls light up my life like no other. But they also turn my hair grey faster than the speed of light. 

How they can destroy a room in two hours is mind boggling to me. I took a nap when my husband came home today. I woke up and it was like a tornado hit the livingroom. I have never been one for clutter, I will never have that china cabinet with all the shit in it, because it looks messy to me. I dont like bookshelves because they look messy to me. I like things in their place and things tidy..... 

My life is no longer a tidy organized place. I live amongst disarray and destruction named Abby and Ellie

Of course I know there will come a day I will miss these days. I will long for my little loud children needing my help and destroying my house. But for now, I deserve my Mommy rant. 

They are little buggers these two.
 But they are my little buggers, and I love em. 

The Little Life of Ickle Pickle


  1. ha ha ha feel your pain! Motherhood is HARD!

    1. Yes, yes it is :)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  2. Teehee. I'm with you. I never knew I could feel so tired. It's a good job a mother's love is so all encompassing otherwise I fear we'd become one of those species that ate their young ;-).


    1. hahahaha I laughed alot about this. Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  3. My mummy has all that to look forward too! Very funny and very true! #TwinklyTuesday

  4. Love this. From an exhausted stay at home mum! #twinklytuesday

    1. Way to go on being a stay at home mommy!!! Its tough!

  5. Thank you for linking up with us - gorgeous little things - enjoy your rant which is no doubt short lived :)

  6. LOL. Mama always said there'd be days like this... and you are correct, they (the drama) will change through the years. Try to enjoy the moments as they come and don't stop ranting, either. You're human, first. :) #MyFavouritePost

    Cheers :)

    1. Thanks so much!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  7. I have tried commenting twice now...not sure where they are going....let me know if it didn't go through. lol

    1. Damn, I would have enjoyed your comment, I am sure full of brilliance I would have laughed at. Damn internet

  8. Sooo true! They SHOULD put that on the condom box! Your house sounds like my house.

    1. LOL. I am glad you agree ;) Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  9. Oh my gosh - the fighting is what gets to me. Mine are constantly bickering & bashing on each other!! My oldest is finally old enough to get snacks and drinks for himself and his brother & I have to say it is soooo nice to have that bit of self-sufficiency! :)

    1. Yes I can not wait for the day. It will come. Yes, the fighting. Stop it already dammit! LOL

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  10. Oh man...those crazy days...I will tell ya my kid is 7 and it is bliss compared to when she was younger. She is self sufficient and my life is easier....but she is also an only child. Meaning she does not have a sibling to fight with....and that she requires more of my attention...give and take. No situation is ever perfect lol Thanks for sharing your struggles. Deff feel ya! #wineandboobs

    1. I am glad that there is some bliss coming ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting

  11. Your life sounds like mine although i only have one to deal with. I bloody hate play doh and felt tips!!

    1. hahahaha, I just let it dry out and sweep it up. Damn stuff ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  12. haha! this is just like my day! good to hear I'm no the only one its good to rant every now and then isn't it! x

    1. lol. I agree. Sometimes it is needed to purge the system ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  13. Ha ha love the pic of you three. Gorgeous. Yep, motherhood is tough but worth it hey? You are doing an amazing job. Thank you for linking to #WellbeingWednesday :-) xx

    1. Thank you so much!!! They are worth it, they are little monsters sometimes but damn I love them ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  14. Yup this is pretty much my day all over!! I get sick of the sound of my own voice at times! Lovely picture of the 3 of you at the end, lovely post. Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst and hope to see you again next week! :-)

    Helen X

    1. LOL, I hear ya. The amount of times I say no :(

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  15. I'm with you! Motherhood IS hard, and the nagging and mess is the worst of it. Like you, I wouldn't trade my children for the world, but let's just say that my patience is well-exercised. Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.

    1. Agreed. I am lucky I still have patience ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  16. Hate to say this. It doesn't get any better. My two are 18 months apart and are now 19 and almost 18. I love them dearly and wouldn't give them up for anything but they drive me crazy.

    They still bicker among themselves.

    1. Nooo dont say that LOL LOL I needed some hope ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  17. Oh my goodness that snippet there would have driven me BONKERS! #momsterslink

    1. lol. It is almost daily with these two

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  18. Motherhood is definitely hard at time. It's a never ending job but we wouldn't change it for the world but a day off would be nice, in a spa, overnight too haha.

    Thanks for linking up with #linkalist

    1. Overnight FOR SURE!!! hahaha. For mothers day I asked for an afternoon of no kids no husband, just nobody lol. I got it. PURE HEAVEN

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  19. I'm sure you speak on the behalf of many! Thanks for linking up #bigfatlinky

    1. LOL. Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  20. As rewarding as it is, motherhood is also such hard work! Thank you for linking up to #MyFavouritePost Kaz x

    1. Hardest darn job I ever had ;)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  21. I look forward to Aidan growing up but then I remember things like this and I am terrified haha.
    Thanks for linking up to #linkalist x

    1. I am so scared for when my little one will talk than there will be two driving me mad. LOL

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  22. Gotta agree with this post. I thought you'd been to my house and taken a picture of my living room for a minute! Thanks for linking up with #MyFavouritePost

    1. LOL. My house used to be soooo clean. How sad that they destroy it the way they do lol

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  23. Can completely relate here. My two are growing up so fast I don't like to wish it a way but somedays oh boy do I wish it a little older and little more independent. lol Great post. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. Hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round. #sharewithme

    1. Thank you so much for hosting :)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting too :)

  24. Sometimes we just need that rant to get it all out of our system and then by the end of it we start to feel ok again. I'm like you, I hate, hate, hate clutter! If I go into a house full of ornaments and things on every surface it makes me feel a little claustrophobic, yet when I visit friends with children and their toys are all over, I don't see clutter. I see a house that is fun and happy and full of laughter. I might feel differently if I had to tidy it up each day though lol #showcasetuesday

    1. Yes I agree with you fully, but I live in the mess so I see clutter with toys. My house is no longer an organized paradise lol

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  25. Fab post, and i totally agree - I chose to work too ;) Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

    1. lol, it is amazing but it is less stressfull. Kudo's to those who stay at home

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  26. Visiting from #momsterslink today :) I won't leave another lengthy comment.

  27. My place is in a constant state of bomb aftermath. I can't keep up and something has to give so housework it is! So be it, we are clean, feed and generally happy! Sisters in Mess - a new club for us! Mel xx


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