Thursday 18 June 2015

What my dog means to me

I always joke he was my impulse buy. But in fact he really was. I had always wanted a dog. On every Christmas list for Santa growing up there was a dog on that list. But that dog never came. My Mother was not fond of animals so we did not grow up with any. It was just one day, passing by the doggies in the window and I saw him. He was so cute, so little, so fluffy and curly. I HAD to hold him. My bf at the time and I decided we would bring him home. He was one hell of an impulse buy, he cost us over a thousand dollars. 

Puppies are HARD work!!! It was like preparing myself for a baby. The first night he cried the whole night. It was pure hell. I did my best to learn about raising a puppy. 

I decided to kennel train him. It was probably the best decision I had made. Leaving him while I went to work was not. He would cry like he was sobbing. It was truly heartbreaking. The great thing is I worked 5 minutes from work at the time and I could come home for lunch and I would take him out for a pee and I would walk him around the school field for an hour before I had to leave him again.

No book or person can prepare you for how awful it is to train a puppy to pee outside. It felt like torture. During this time is when I had my life changing catastrophic breakup. I got the puppy. I was dealing with such heartache and I would cry ALL the time. People would tell me "At least you have a dog at home, they sense when you are sad and comfort you"... People who say such things never cried around a puppy! I would lay on the floor sobbing from pure heartbreak and this fluffy little ball would run full bore into my face with a toy. Comforting... no! But he was my sweetie pie. He was all I had. He kept me going. I loved him, I still love him. I named him Ryley.

It makes me laugh thinking of children telling their parents '"Can I PLEASE have a puppy, I will take care of him". hahahahaha BULLSHIT!!! I was 28 years old the first time I had a puppy and I was ready to throw in the towel. Unless you are ready to devote your life to this puppy until they are no longer a pee in the house, crying, pooping, chew everything little devil you're not ready kids. Its just fact. The thought of raising another puppy makes me want to cry lol. But life with a dog is wonderful. I love him to the core. I love that I am his world as well. 

When he was just out of puppy stage I would take him over to my mothers house (She started liking dogs after Ryley) She called him her Grandpuppy. This was before kids of course. He would always want to stay at my moms house and not come home until I became pregnant. After that, and to this day, he will not leave my side. He wants to go wherever I go. If I go to the kitchen, he is there, if I go to bed so does he, if I shower, he is laying on the bathmat. I am not sure but I am pretty positive it had something to do with me being pregnant. I love that I am his one. He holds my heart. 

When I bought my impulse purchase that day I also bought him a few toys. One of them a blue Platypus, now I know it isnt a Duck, but I have called it a duck from day one. This toy was his favorite and it still is. If you are laying on a bed and he wants to cuddle, he will go look for that duck/platypus. This is him with it as a baby and him now. 

What does having a dog mean to me?

He saved me when I was broken. 
He was there for me when no one else was. 

 "Until one has loved a dog, a part of ones soul has remained awakened"

Have you seen my last post? Click here


  1. This makes me tear up a little.. I have a dog call Darken Vishous Rahl (I am a huge fan of Legend of the Seeker and J.R Ward novels) but I call him Rahlly and he's my heart. I truly understand how it is having a pup. The constant crying broke my heart many times but then they grown up and grow out of that and then become so independant and you kinda miss them being a tiny cute furball...

    1. I do miss him being a tiny furball but not the pooping in the house part ;)

      Thank you so much for reading my post

  2. How touching to read about your attachment to your puppy, hard work though he was at the time. I love dogs too.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment :) :)

  3. Awww, he is soo cute! I can see why you couldn't resist him :) #momsterlink

    1. lol isnt he though? ;) He is just a sweet as he looks too :)

  4. Aw so sweet! What breed is he? I'm terrible too. I would have a house full of animals if it wasn't for the wisdom of my wife. Our dog plus baby is definitely enough to be going on with!


    1. He is a Pomeranian Shitzu. He doesnt shed and he is so soft and fluffy.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)

  5. I have had dogs all my life. We have a German Shepard named "Roxy" right now. She is seriously the best dog I have ever owned. She is great with the kids and very protective of all of us but especially them. If they are outside she is out there with them watching over them and will bark to get my attention if in need of getting it. She is part of our family as all dogs should be. It is a huge commitment. Thanks for sharing with me at #momsterslink.

    1. They are a huge commitment but one of the best things in life is having a dog. They are just so wonderful. I love German Shepards too

  6. Awww what a cutey! I'd LOVE to have a dog, always have. But with two little ones in the house and a business to run my life is full enough for now I thinK! One day perhaps and this breed is definitely one of my favourites. Thank you for making me smile this morning and for linking up at #sharethejoy x

    1. I hear ya. It is hard to juggle everything and a dog in between. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment :)

  7. I had a very similar relationship with my first cat. She had been abandoned by her mother and needed to be dropper fed. She lived in the my tanktop (yes, between my breasts) for the first week we were together. Of course, cats figure out litter boxes by themselves. If only humans would do that... Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.

  8. Awwww she must have been so small. I have two cats but they are so independent they only need me to change their litter and feed them ;)

    Thanks for reading and commenting :)


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