Monday 13 April 2015

When the kids are away the parents will.....RELAX!!!

I live in Edmonton, Alberta. My parents do as well. My Grandfather however lives a good 16 hour drive from here in Terrace, BC. My parents for the time being while I work, look after my children daily. My mother decided she wanted to go see her Dad and would like to take my girls with them to visit. I was ok with the idea as long as they were flying. Since my father was going to, they decided to drive. I have to say I was not overly thrilled with my daughters taking a 16 hour drive.

As a kid I have done this drive many times. Almost every year as a child. I am used to it. It no longer phases me. But my children are 4 and 2. How are they going to handle a 16 hour drive? Not only that, how am I going to handle the anxiety of them driving on the highway for 16 hours. I will admit I was more than nervous. These two girls must have their mommy's genes for long drives because they pulled through like champs.

Was I sad to see them go? Yes. Did I cry? Absolutely! I spent the day they left in worry and sadness. That night I thought, I am going to go about this differently and I thought to myself, hell, I am going to not look at this as how much I am going to miss them, I am gonna look at this like a vacation!! I mean who is kidding who now right? When do you get a solid week of silence when you have a 2 & 4 year old? Unless you are completely deaf the answer is never!

Any parents and tell me people, am I wrong? Any parent craves for some peace and quiet. Well here it is. What to do..... The funny thing is, your kids take up 98% of your time. What to do when you dont have them? Ha! Everything they interrupt you doing when they are here! I sat and watched tv in peace. I blogged in peace (which is a first) I usually have one if not both little girls wanting to sit on my lap. Once this laptop is in mommys hands it is like the symbol for them to both come and want to sit with me. Everytime! It was about half way through the first night I turned to my husband and said, damn.... this is nice hey? And it was!
Dont get me wrong, I miss my children. But when you can not even go to the bathroom alone when they are here, this is paradise! 

I will say with absolute certainty I had the best Saturday I have had in as long as I can remember. I woke up, no husband (working), no kids jumping on my head. I was in heaven. I cant get up when I want, I can peruse my phone whilst laying in bed for as long as I want. I got up, had coffee and breakfast which for the first time in years didnt consist of "I want toast, I want milk" oh you're going to sit mom? I want more toast (muahaha no sitting for mommy). I dont want to finish my toast, I now want what you are eating....SOB. Are you following me parents out there? There was none of this! 

It was ME first. YAY!

I sat and drank my hot coffee and wrote my blog in peace and quiet. When I got cold I went to lay back in bed and warmed my feet. I took a super long shower and took my time getting ready opposed to rushing to get my hair brushed and make up on while two little girls trash my room. I was in heaven. Still missing my girls? Of course. But I was looking at the cup as half full and not half empty. Am I gonna enjoy this time? Hells ya I am!

A childless person does not understand the struggle of having to take your kids in and out of a carseat constantly. Its a huge pain the ass. So much you would rather skip by the store or have one parent sit and wait in the car and the other go in instead of dragging your tiny, cute, SLOW kids into the stores and back out in the car seat and to another place to do it all over again. Its complete bliss to go alone. I know the parents out there are saying, damn rights Susan. 

It is amazing the conversation you can have with your significant other when there are not two kids making a mess or getting off their chairs to try and make a run for it when you go out to eat. Amazing, you can actually talk to eachother instead of saying "GET BACK ON THAT CHAIR!".

Needless to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed my childless vacation. Tonight is our last quiet night. Tomorrow after work the whirlwind of what they call parenthood begins again. I am ready for this little whirlwind to come back . Mommy has enjoyed her break. But Family is where the happiness is.

Without my children my house would be clean and my brain less frazzled, but my heart would not be full.

 I am ready for my babies. 

Do you feel me parents?

Have you seen my previous post? 
Click here


  1. Totally relateable! Love the kids to pieces, but it sure is nice to be able to use the bathroom ALONE once in a while!

    1. Thanks so much for reading it :) i am glad people can relate :)

  2. Its the quiet that you appreciate the most. ahhhh

  3. I love the quote at the bottom of your post, it's really lovely and so true! But it is nice to get that rare quiet moment to yourself too! #wineandboobs x

    1. I truly love the moments. I wish we had more of them :) thank you so much for reading. I would love if you took a peek at more ☺️

  4. Awesome post! You are so right! Thank you for linking up with #wineandboobs

    1. Thank you so much for reading, Modern Dad. I love your blog, I hope you have a moment to read more of mine. Thanks again :)

  5. love them BUT really love a day without every once in a while, if for anything, to breath. Good read, found you at the #wineandbooks link-up

  6. Yes, I wish I could have a few days a month haha. Thank you so much for reading. I would love if you took a peek at another post :)

  7. Can relate to this! Mine are currently on a school trip and i have the whole day free.. it is amazing! x

    1. I think I need another break haha even half a day :)

      Thanks for reading 😊

  8. I so agree with this. I have had 2 weekends away since my first was born over 5 years ago and I can honestly say that as much as I loved every minute of that time to myself with my hubby...I also was in a constant daze of not hearing the momentary chaos in my life.

    1. It is nice to have a break but I miss them soon after they go ☺️

  9. I always longed for them to go away but then a few hours later, I would cave and go get them. I'm long over that! Lol

  10. Hahaha me too. I miss them but I want the break 😊

  11. Awesome post! I can relate to the difference between having kids around and then no kids!

    1. I think I need more alone time hahahaha . Thanks for reading :)

  12. A happy mum is a happy home. It's important and really awesome that women get to take time out every now and then. Guilt free uninterrupted peeing and showering is important for the soul! Enjoy every moment. Mel xx

    1. Hahahaha guilt free peeing sounds Devine! Thanks so much for reading my post :)

  13. And here's to a full heart :)

    1. Oh Al, thanks so much again for reading my post 😊

  14. Sounds amazing!! I have vacation envy. I'm not sure I would remember what to do with myself for that length of time....I'm sure I could easily find things to fill my time though :)


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