Sunday 31 May 2015

My Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

You see these awards floating around the blogging world and I am sure every blogger secretly hopes someone nominates them as worthy of such an award. What is The Versatile Blogger Award you ask? It is an honor bestowed to you from a fellow blogger who considers your blog to be worth reading and worthy of such award. I will take my nomination with pride. 

I started blogging during the recovery to my depression. Be it as therapy or just something fun to occupy my time I have grown to love it. All my fellow bloggers know how hard it really is to blog, it isn't just about writing down your thoughts and pressing publish... Now to some it may, but there is so much more involved. You spend your time researching your topics, interacting with others via social media, linking up to link parties to share your blogs, than going back and reading other peoples blogs and taking the time to comment on them as well. It is like a little job in itself. We wouldn't be here if we didn't enjoy it :) 

My blog views are growing and I am happy that I could have inspired even one person to say my blog was worthy of an award, and I thank you Milly for that. Click here to see her wonderful blog and here to follow her on twitter.

If you have been awarded the Versatile Blogger award, do this now:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and include a link to their blog
  • Choose and nominate 5 other blogs for The Versatile Blogger Award. 
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.

Seven facts about me

  1. I dont like the feeling of metal scraping on my teeth or the plates so I eat with plastic forks and spoons. (is this a fun fact or a weird fact? lol)
  2. I met my husband on the internet and he moved here from Italy 6 years ago to be with me. We married and have 2 daughters and are still together today. 
  3. I had post partum depression with both my daughters and I have finally overcome it and I am extremely happy
  4. My most popular blog posts are the ones I was hesitant to publish because I was worried what people would think
  5. I hate to cook, absolutely hate it. I could eat out every night because I hate it. But I love to eat ;)
  6. I absolutely love the smell of lilacs. Spring is here and all the lilac trees are blooming. The air is filled with their smell and I am in bliss
  7. I have an irrational fear of caterpillars and I will walk off the sidewalk to get away from them (feel free to laugh at me) 

 I have chosen my favorites, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

The Single Swan - I fell in love with her blog through her post "I dont think I like Tinder" you can read that post here
This is her blog her posts are from the heart and honest. I appreciate that. 

My Random Musings - This post is what kept me reading. I agreed wholeheartedly with it and I love this post. You can read that here

Beau Twins - This post is what kept me coming back for more. You can see it here. I think if someone writes something and I dont want it to end, they are doing something right in my books. 
This is her blog

The Triplet Dad - His post you can read here was one I loved to read. It was sweet to the core. It is what kept me returning. 

Days in Bed - I was a fan from the start. This is my fav post she has done. You can read it here
This is her blog

Have you read my last post? Click here


  1. Thank you so much :) I'm so glad you liked the post! I always find that the more honest and personal a post is the more I hesitate to publish, and like you, I always find them the most popular.
    P.S I laughed a little about the caterpillars, sorry :)

    1. Hahaha it's ok. It is a stupid fear. I mean really, it's not like the move fast. But.... I can't help it lol. You're welcome for the nomination as it is well deserved 😊


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