Saturday 9 May 2015

For my Mother

What does my mom mean to me? As a little girl a mother means everything to you. She is there to protect you, you know her as the one to keep you safe, the one who loves you. As you grow up you become more independent, teen years..... Your mom becomes someone who puts down rules, restrictions on your life. I remember being a teen and thinking how I loved my mother but why couldn't she just let me be. Why I ask? Because she is a mom! She loves me and rules and restrictions are put there because she loves me. Something a teenager finds difficult to accept or at least understand. 

As I have matured my relationship with my mother has grown. I know her more as a person than I did when I was a child or a teen. I can honestly say my mother is one of my favorite friends. I can tell her anything! As the years go by we get to know each other more and more. We may have spent our whole lives with our parents, but do we really know them? It is now as an adult that I have spent the most time with my mom, getting to know her, spending time with her. We are more alike than I ever knew before, I am my mothers daughter! Absolutely. 

Mom, here is what I would like to tell you this Mothers Day.

You have always been such a big part of my life. You are my mom and my memories run deep. From the bottom of my heart I am thankful to have you in my life. You are the first person I think of when I want to go out with someone, the first person I think of when I want pie :)

You are an inspiration to me, I long to be the kind of mother you were to me, to my own children. The love you show as a Grandmother is an amazing sight to behold. 

I hope that as the years go by we can only grow closer. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being my mom, thank you for the way you love my girls. 

Thank you making me feel that I can not only love you as my mother but as my best friend. 

Have you seen my previous post? Click here

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