Saturday 15 October 2011

Is that an Apple MacBook Pro???


Since Abby has learned to stand our laptops have become a very exciting object for Abby. I was warned that she would smack the keys on the computer. I thought, meh, maybe not...... I was wrong. She immediately comes over if you open the computer. Smacks the hell out of the keys, because things pop up on the screen. Things happen! The thing is, things happen that I dont know how to change, things come up I have never before seen. Obviously this is not good for the computer.

I came across this little computer the other day. I knew that if it didnt do anything when she pressed the buttons she would not play with this toy at all. To my surprise this little computer is fantastic. It has 30 different learning games for her when she is old enough, but for now, when she bangs on the buttons there is a little screen that shows what she presses and noises to go along with it. The mouse also moves and buttons work.

I love it, and so does Abby  :)

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