Sunday 22 February 2015

Out with the old and in with the new

Today was a big day for our family. Today is the day Ellie gets her big girl bed. This is a day of joy and sadness. It is a benchmark in having children and that mark is that my baby is no longer a baby. She no longer needs the confinement of the crib for her safety. My heart feel happiness and sadness at the same time.

The moment she saw that bed it was smiles. A beautiful hand me down from her sister, this pink Princess bed. I sit and reflect on the two and a half years I have had my beautiful Ellie and will indulge in the precious moments I still have with her before she becomes a full toddler.

The days of my babies being babies are gone. But they will always live in my heart my memories and of course in pictures like the one below. I love you sweet Angel. I hope you enjoy your big girl bed.

1 comment:

  1. Yes sad indeed. Griffin is using the big boy toilet now instead of the potty and he can count to 20. What the is happening to our babies. Guess they gotta grow up sometime huh. Hope bedtime goes smoothly tonight. Xo


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